the most profitable clubs in the epl

Who are the top teams in the EPL and what is their networth?

That is what we wanted to find out when we created this infographic. We look at the wages, revenue and net worth of each of the team in the English Premier League.

Based on this data, we were able to deduce the following:

The infographic shows that Manchester United FC have the highest net worth amongst the 10 clubs considered. According to the infographic, Manchester United FC is worth a whooping £3.7B, followed by Liverpool FC and Manchester City FC respectively with a net worth £3.6 billion and £3.4 billion respectively.

Newcastle United FC tops the list of the lowest ranked club when it comes to net worth. With an annual revenue of £179M and wages of £65.7million, its total estimated net worth stands at £296M.  Closely following Newscastle is West Ham United FC with a total net worth of £722M.